Saturday, October 26, 2019


           Per the request of many of you, I have decided to share this recipe that has been in my family for generations. I do not keep it a secrete that baking is not really my strong suit, so for this recipe to be as consistent and good as it is, it must be simple.
            Banana bread is one of my favorites. Not only is it flavorful and filling but it lends itself to the prevention of one of my biggest pet peeves; FOOD WASTE! Bananas are one of the most wasted foods in the world, yet most do not realize the banana is not even truly read for use till after most stores or families throw them away. There is a difference between rotten and ripened.
            But enough about me and my peeves… Let us get right to it… I offer to you… SIMPLE BANANA BREAD!!
½ cup Butter, softened
1 cup Granulated Sugar
2 Large Eggs, beaten
3 Bananas (Fork Smashed; See Picture)
1 ½ cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Vanilla (Optional but HIGHLY recommended)

1.      Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2.      In a small bowl or mixer on low speed, cream together the butter and sugar (Cream, also known as blend till combined with a fork, smoosh, or take your days anger out on it)
3.      Once combined, add smooshed bananas and eggs. Combine well.
4.       While mixing, add flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix well.
5.      Add vanilla if you choose to use it.
6.      Mix well until well combined.
7.      Using 2-8 inch loaf pans or 1-9 inch loaf pan, grease and flour the pan to prevent sticking.

8.      Pour mix into loaf pans no higher than half full to allow for rising during baking.

9.      Place in oven and bake for 40-55 minutes.
10.  Once done remove from loaf pans and ENJOY!

When this bread starts to bake, the smell brings me back to my youth. This is by far the simplest banana bread recipe I have seen. I hope you find it as easy as I do.

Gratefully Yours,
Chef Tufaro

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


            Anyone that knows me will tell you that two of my favorite foods are pork and pineapple. Anytime I can put these two items together becomes euphoric. This recipe offers a simple meal that can be started in the morning and finished when arriving home. For purposes of simplicity, the use of bottled BBQ sauce is recommended.
            My first experience with pineapple, in a restaurant setting, was making skewers with fresh pineapple and other assorted goodness. Five cases of pineapple and about 1000 skewers later I questioned my life choices. At the age of about 15 years old, I wondered why they did just not purchase canned pineapple, but after tasting the difference I developed a strong appreciation for fresh ingredients. I know hate using any fruit or vegetable that is not fresh.
            The Pineapple Sauce in this post was a very happy accident. The original intent for the pineapple was to make a topping for the sandwich (which it still could be) but it ended up being so flavorful I used it as a side. Much like apple sauce, this matches so well with this pork dish and would be great with any pork option. AND NOW I OFFER YOU… SLOW COOKER BBQ PINEAPPLE PORK W/ PINEAPPLE SAUCE!!!!

2 lbs Pork (Your choice of what type of pork you would like but remember it is going to be pulled apart)
1 Whole Pineapple (Skinned, Cored, and Chunked)
2 Cups Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1-16 oz. Bottle of BBQ Sauce (A sweet variety is the best option. I use Brown Sugar BBQ)
1 package of rolls (your choice)

1.      In a slow cooker or Crock Pot, place whole pork piece. Add water to pot till it covers half the pork piece.

2.      Add 1 cup brown sugar and pineapple to pot.
3.      Place lid and turn pot to high.
4.      Once hot, turn temperature down to low and allow to cook for 8 hours or until you get home from work.

5.      Once cooked, remove pineapple pieces and place into separate bowl. Remove pork and discard liquid from pot.
6.      Replace pork into pot and using forks pull it till you have a shredded looking pork texture.
7.      Add BBQ sauce to pork and mix. Turn pot on to low and cook till sauce if warm.

8.      In food processor, place pineapple, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Pulse till texture of apple sauce (Do not over process!!!!)

9.       Place BBQ pork on bun, plate and enjoy.

I have used this recipe for many occasions: tailgating, dinners, restaurant servings, etc... In all the years I have made this, I never realized that the pineapple blend makes an amazing side and not always a topping for the sandwich. This opens up many options for other pork dishes in your future.

Enjoy in Good Health,
Chef Tufaro