Thursday, July 18, 2019


            One day, while working in The Cutter, I was faced with an interesting internal dilemma: Why does no one want this beautiful salmon belly? These trimmings, as they are called, are wasted and tossed in the garbage. This has become disheartening to me because it is wasteful and (in my opinion) the best part of the salmon. I posed this question to my fellow ‘Anonymites’ and concluded that a lot of people just do not know what to do with it.
            I, as other fishmongers, am asked by few people for these pieces and usually give them away for free. Hundreds, if not thousands of pounds of salmon belly going to waste. I try to explain that this is a lot like pork belly in the manner that it is a much fattier piece of meat but holds the most flavor of any if utilized. I, as a chef, decided to do something about this. This recipe idea came to me in the frozen food section of a grocery store when in the case was salmon burgers. I personally wanted something with a bit more pizzazz. Honestly, that same day I had burritos for lunch which could have influenced this idea as well.
            Though these pieces take some work to prepare and skin (because most places will not take the time to prep them for you), I promise you they are so worth it. And now I present to you… SOUTHWEST SALMON BURGERS

1 ½ lbs. Salmon Belly (trimmed and diced)
½ cup Diced Red Pepper
1 Tbl Diced Jalapeno
¾ cup Sweet Corn
15 oz Black Beans (canned worked best)
3 Large Eggs (Whites only)
1 cup Plain Breadcrumbs

1.      Trim and dice salmon belly. Place in bowl and set aside.
2.      In medium mixing bowl, place black beans and corn. Using hands, smoosh black beans and corn together to make a paste.
3.      Add red pepper and jalapeno and mix till combined.
4.      Add salmon and egg whites to mix. Using hands, combine till all ingredients are throughout.
5.      Add breadcrumbs and mix until mixture becomes ridged (stiffens).
6.      Form mix into 8 separate burgers. Refrigerate till cold.
7.      Cook either in pan over medium heat or on grill over medium flame.

8.      Enjoy

After producing this recipe and cooking them, if you are not confident in your grilling ability I would recommend cooking in a pan. This did not alter the flavor of the burger in any way. I hope this allows you to think differently about salmon belly and opens your mind to new and exciting possibilities.

Chef Tufaro

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