Wednesday, September 11, 2019


           Shrimp Scampi has lost its way over time. The preparations and variations of this dish have lost the identity of what it was meant to be originally; A simple dish, prepared with simple ingredients that complemented the flavor of the shrimp and left something to dip your bread in or twirl your linguine in. When you eliminate all this other junk, you have a flavor that truly is one of a kind. I guarantee this is a dish anyone can make.
            This recipe is one dish that has been carried with me since I began cooking in restaurants at 13 years old. That being said, it comes with the scares I carry but it is to good not to continue preparing and presenting.
            I think the funniest complement I ever received from this dish was by a professional basketball player (do not ask, I will not tell you) who brought the plate into the kitchen to thank me cleaner then I think it was before I served it. I asked, “So, you liked it?” To which he replied, “Liked it? I licked the plate clean!” I found out a few minutes later that he was not kidding, the server informed me he was at his table licking the plate. And with that being said, I offer to you… SHRIMP SCAMPI

1 lb. 26/30 or 41/50 Shrimp (Peeled, Deveined, Tail-Off)
2 Sticks Salted Butter (cut into 4 pieces)
½ cup Chopped Garlic
1/8 cup Olive Oil
¼ cup Dry White Wine (Yes, you can drink the rest!!)
¼ Tbl Cracked Black Pepper
1 Lemon (cut for squeezing)
1/8 cup Chopped Parsley
½ lb. Uncooked Linguine (You can make fresh or use boxed. Fresh Recipe at:

1.      In a medium saucepan, bring enough water to cover pasta to a boil.
2.      Cook Linguine to instructions provided by pasta source. Aim for a noodle that is not mushy but cooked.
3.      Drain pasta from water and set aside.
4.      In a medium saute pan, over medium-high heat, place olive oil till hot.
5.      Add shrimp and garlic to pan. Toss occasionally to insure even cooking of shrimp.
6.      When shrimp is almost cooked through, add white wine, butter, and pepper. Squeeze lemon juice into mixture and turn heat to medium and all to simmer while butter melts and shrimp finish. As simmering, a little reduction will occur. This is normal, but sauce will not thicken.
7.      Once butter is melted completely, remove from heat.
8.      Divide pasta into 4 portions and place on plates.
9.      Remove shrimp from sauce and divide among plates putting shrimp onto pasta allowing them to fall where they want.
10.  Using a spoon, drizzle sauce over pasta and shrimp on plate. As you can see by the pictures provided, the sauce will run over the pasta and the plate. Be liberal with the sauce, you want it to be messy.
11.  Sprinkle each dish with parsley and serve.
12.   ENJOY!!

I always enjoy sharing the recipes of meals I did not intend initially due to popular demand. It warms my heart that my experiences (both good and bad) can bring only joy to this world. Food should do nothing but unify us. Food is universal. It sees nothing but nourishing those that choose to enjoy it. Maybe someday we will all learn from food…

Chef Tufaro

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