Tuesday, March 24, 2020


  Are you that person that has a 5lb bag of potatoes at home and goes to the store and buys potato salad? Do you throw a lot of your potatoes in the trash? Don’t feel bad! You are not alone. Hell, I have done this myself but during this time of limited resources and quarantine (COVID-19) it is time we looked at things a bit differently.
            Each year, Americans throw away 5.8 million pounds of potatoes. I can only imagine what this number is globally. In my restaurants, we would find all kinds of ways to re-purpose or use potatoes before they would go bad (not sprouting eyes, actual bad). One of the most popular ways is potato salad.
            This recipe has been with me for a long time and it matches so well with fried/sauteed fish sandwiches or any Bar-B-Q you could produce. Simple and flavorful, it makes for a perfect use of those potatoes sitting in your house.


6 Medium Potatoes (Yukon Gold are best, but any potato will do)
3 Large Eggs (Hard Boiled, Shell Off)
1 cup Fine Chopped Celery
½ cup Fine Chopped Onion
2 Tbl. Sweet Pickled Relish
1 Tbl. Yellow Mustard
2 Tbl. Red Wine Vinegar
½ cup Mayonnaise
Salt and Pepper to taste
Chopped Parsley for garnish

1.      Peel potatoes and cut into ½ inch by ½ inch pieces (or as close as possible. Perfection is not necessary).
2.      In boiling water, cook potatoes until fork tender.
3.      Remove from water and refrigerate till completely cooled.
4.      When completely cooled, add red wine vinegar and toss with potatoes.
5.      Add celery, onion, and chopped eggs until completely combined.
6.      Once combined, add mayonnaise, yellow mustard, and sweet pickled relish. Gently mix till coated through.
7.      Add salt and pepper to taste.
8.      Serve and garnish with parsley.

This recipe is very basic. It will also allow you to save those potatoes from going into the trash, as well as a bit of extra money in your pocket.

Thank you for your support. As always, I am truly grateful. Stay Safe!!!

Gratefully Yours,
Chef Mathew Tufaro

Thursday, November 14, 2019


As we are entering the age of some of the best grilling and smoking of meats we may ever see in our lifetimes, I wanted to take everyone back to my roots in grilling. Some of you will remember when pork was a high-risk food full of disease and risk to eat. We used to have to cook it so well done to make sure it was OK to eat it. One of the tricks to assist in keeping ribs (as well as other pork products) moist after cooking was the art of brining.
            Simplest definition of brining is the art of soaking a food product in a liquid mixture prior to cooking. This adds unique flavor as well as assist in keeping the product moist. Anyone who has eaten dry food will appreciate the art of brining.
            This brine I share with you is a universal brine that can be used for pork, turkey, or chicken. I use this one for baby back ribs all the time along with a simple rub. And now…. Brined and Rubbed Baby Back Ribs.

1 Gallon Spring or Distilled Water
½ Cup Kosher Salt
1 Cup Brown Sugar (use the dark brown if available)
½ Cup Soy Sauce
1 Tbl. Garlic Powder
2 Slabs Baby Back Ribs

¾ Cup Brown Sugar
½ Cup Granulated Sugar
2 Tbl. Black Pepper
2 Tbl. Onion Powder

1.      In a container that is large enough to fit the ribs and brine (approximately 2 gallons), add water.
2.      Combine kosher salt, brown sugar, garlic powder and soy sauce into water and mix until dissolved and well combined.

3.      Lay Baby Back Ribs in brine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (overnight works if you want to prepare the day prior).

4.      Remove ribs and lay on flat surface.
5.      In separate container, combine all ingredients for rub and mix till wall distributed.
6.      Divide rub evenly on to the ribs and roughly rub into meat (UGH!!!! Mind out of gutter). There is no need to rub into the bone side of the slabs.

7.      If cooking on a grill, heat grill to about medium heat (350 degrees) and place rack away from flame for 30 minutes with lid shut on grill. After 30 minutes, move ribs to flame side and cook till finished (usually over low to medium heat). Do not place ribs rub side down till almost finished. This allows the rub to work its way into the meat for flavor.

8.      If cooking in an oven, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place racks on a backing sheet and cook for approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours. This will create the same style of cooking method as on the grill without the flame.
9.      Once completed, either brush with BBQ Sauce or serve naked.

10.  Enjoy!!!

This recipe has been used by myself for over 30 years and my family for many moons beyond that. It is one of the few recipes that creates such a unique flavor I have no explanation for. I hope you enjoy.

Gratefully Yours,
Chef Tufaro

Saturday, October 26, 2019


           Per the request of many of you, I have decided to share this recipe that has been in my family for generations. I do not keep it a secrete that baking is not really my strong suit, so for this recipe to be as consistent and good as it is, it must be simple.
            Banana bread is one of my favorites. Not only is it flavorful and filling but it lends itself to the prevention of one of my biggest pet peeves; FOOD WASTE! Bananas are one of the most wasted foods in the world, yet most do not realize the banana is not even truly read for use till after most stores or families throw them away. There is a difference between rotten and ripened.
            But enough about me and my peeves… Let us get right to it… I offer to you… SIMPLE BANANA BREAD!!
½ cup Butter, softened
1 cup Granulated Sugar
2 Large Eggs, beaten
3 Bananas (Fork Smashed; See Picture)
1 ½ cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Vanilla (Optional but HIGHLY recommended)

1.      Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2.      In a small bowl or mixer on low speed, cream together the butter and sugar (Cream, also known as blend till combined with a fork, smoosh, or take your days anger out on it)
3.      Once combined, add smooshed bananas and eggs. Combine well.
4.       While mixing, add flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix well.
5.      Add vanilla if you choose to use it.
6.      Mix well until well combined.
7.      Using 2-8 inch loaf pans or 1-9 inch loaf pan, grease and flour the pan to prevent sticking.

8.      Pour mix into loaf pans no higher than half full to allow for rising during baking.

9.      Place in oven and bake for 40-55 minutes.
10.  Once done remove from loaf pans and ENJOY!

When this bread starts to bake, the smell brings me back to my youth. This is by far the simplest banana bread recipe I have seen. I hope you find it as easy as I do.

Gratefully Yours,
Chef Tufaro

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


            Anyone that knows me will tell you that two of my favorite foods are pork and pineapple. Anytime I can put these two items together becomes euphoric. This recipe offers a simple meal that can be started in the morning and finished when arriving home. For purposes of simplicity, the use of bottled BBQ sauce is recommended.
            My first experience with pineapple, in a restaurant setting, was making skewers with fresh pineapple and other assorted goodness. Five cases of pineapple and about 1000 skewers later I questioned my life choices. At the age of about 15 years old, I wondered why they did just not purchase canned pineapple, but after tasting the difference I developed a strong appreciation for fresh ingredients. I know hate using any fruit or vegetable that is not fresh.
            The Pineapple Sauce in this post was a very happy accident. The original intent for the pineapple was to make a topping for the sandwich (which it still could be) but it ended up being so flavorful I used it as a side. Much like apple sauce, this matches so well with this pork dish and would be great with any pork option. AND NOW I OFFER YOU… SLOW COOKER BBQ PINEAPPLE PORK W/ PINEAPPLE SAUCE!!!!

2 lbs Pork (Your choice of what type of pork you would like but remember it is going to be pulled apart)
1 Whole Pineapple (Skinned, Cored, and Chunked)
2 Cups Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1-16 oz. Bottle of BBQ Sauce (A sweet variety is the best option. I use Brown Sugar BBQ)
1 package of rolls (your choice)

1.      In a slow cooker or Crock Pot, place whole pork piece. Add water to pot till it covers half the pork piece.

2.      Add 1 cup brown sugar and pineapple to pot.
3.      Place lid and turn pot to high.
4.      Once hot, turn temperature down to low and allow to cook for 8 hours or until you get home from work.

5.      Once cooked, remove pineapple pieces and place into separate bowl. Remove pork and discard liquid from pot.
6.      Replace pork into pot and using forks pull it till you have a shredded looking pork texture.
7.      Add BBQ sauce to pork and mix. Turn pot on to low and cook till sauce if warm.

8.      In food processor, place pineapple, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Pulse till texture of apple sauce (Do not over process!!!!)

9.       Place BBQ pork on bun, plate and enjoy.

I have used this recipe for many occasions: tailgating, dinners, restaurant servings, etc... In all the years I have made this, I never realized that the pineapple blend makes an amazing side and not always a topping for the sandwich. This opens up many options for other pork dishes in your future.

Enjoy in Good Health,
Chef Tufaro

Friday, September 27, 2019


            Before I get started, I want to clarify that the title is not a type; It is not ‘Meatballs’, it is ‘Meat Bowls’. When I was sharing this idea with a friend of mine, he replied, “Does it come with free doctors’ visits?” I replied, “No, but if you have to go to the ER, I will give you a free dessert next time you come in.”
            The idea of fun food has become a huge fad in this industry as it should. Chefs going bigger to the level of obscene has become the norm. I wanted to do something that you could serve during a sporting event, a tailgate, or even at home that would make people wonder how you did it.
            I want to dedicate this recipe and post to a man who placed a lot of light and joy in our lives who was taken from us to soon, Chef Carl Ruiz. If ever I have created anything that would possibly be considered ‘Ruizing’, this is my best effort (other then frying a hot dog).
            And now I offer you, BACON MAC-N-CHEESE MEAT BOWLS…

2 lbs. Ground Chuck (80/20 meat works best because you need the fat content to keep the bowl from drying out)
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Pepper
2 Tbl. Water
1 lb. Regular Sliced Bacon (I recommend Maple Flavored, TRUST ME ON THIS!)
1 box Velveeta Shells Mac-n-Cheese OR 1 recipe of Homemade Mac-n-Cheese (see: https://cheftufaroanonymous.blogspot.com/2019/07/mac-and-cheese-social-media-style.html)
2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese

1.      In a large mixing bowl, combine Ground Chuck, Salt, Pepper, and Water till well blended. This is best done by hand and will allow the mix to remain stiff for forming the bowls.
2.      Divide mix into 6 meat portions and form into balls.

3.      Using a small drinking glass, press the bottom of glass into the center of the meat ball to form the bottom of the bowl. Then, using your hands, form the outside of the bowl by working the meat up the sides of the glass. You do not want them to thin.
4.      Remove glass to form a bowl shape. Repeat to each ball.

5.      Using bacon, wrap the outside of each bowl with 1-2 pieces of bacon (depending on length of bacon slices), and one piece on the inside of the bowl. This will create a form to support the meat during cooking and add flavor to the bowl.

6.      Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
7.      Place meat bowls on baking sheet and place in oven. Cook for 30-40 minutes then remove.
8.      While bowls are cooking, prepare the mac-n-cheese according to directions depending on your choice of source.
9.      Once bowls are finished, remove bacon from bowls to leave formed, finished meat bowls.

10.  Chop bacon into small pieces and add to finished mac-n-cheese. Mix till well combined.
11.  Portion the mac-n-cheese into the meat bowls.

12.  Top finished bowl with cheddar cheese and place back in oven till cheese is melted.
13.  Remove from oven and ENJOY!!

This recipe is very simple and interesting to those who first see them. This ‘Stuffed Hamburger’ but in bowl form with the side already in it.
I ask of you to make sure you let those you love know it. You truly never know when this ride will end. I am grateful for all of you who follow my journey. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

Chef Tufaro

Monday, September 16, 2019


           With the amazing influence of such things as Taco Tuesday, or just tacos in general, I felt it time to share a recipe that I love. It is not really about the shrimp. This recipe is universal to any pound of filling you like INCLUDING vegetarian options. The main purpose of this recipe is to offer an option for a better taco seasoning and a homemade tortilla shell.
            Let me start by saying I LOVE TACOS. This is one of those items that I remember from childhood that was always a treat. Over time, it has evolved into more then then a generic taco. Friends and families can share these delicious creations with Margaritas, Tequila, Water, Soda, Rice, Beans, ect…
            These recipes were shared with me by a good friend of mine who neither him nor I ever worked in a restaurant that served tacos. And now… SHRIMP TACOS.

4 Tbl. Chili Powder
2 Tbl. Cumin
1 Tbl. Paprika
1 Tbl. Salt
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Dried Minced Onions
1 tsp. Oregano
1 tsp. Black Pepper
1 Tbl. Corn Starch

3 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
1 Cup Hot Water

1 lb. Shrimp (peeled, deveined, tail off) or a pound of whatever you chose as a filling.
1 tsp. Olive Oil
2 tsp. Taco Seasoning Mix (See Above)
¼ Cup Hot Water
½ Cup Picante Sauce
2 tsp. Prepared Horseradish

1.      In a small container with a lid, combine all ingredients listed for TACO SEASONING and shake till well mixed. Set aside.

2.      In a mixer with a dough hook adapter, sift all dry ingredients into bowl and place on mixer. Turn on to medium speed and allow to combine.
3.      While mixing, slowly add 1/3 cup vegetable oil and then 1 cup hot water. Allow to mix until dough ball forms. This dough will be a bit sticky compared to a normal bread dough.
4.      Remove dough from bowl and place onto a well-floured flat surface. Separate into 8 portions and ball. Cover with clean towel for 15-30 minutes.

5.      Using a tortilla press or a rolling pin, flatten each ball into a round tortilla shaped piece (approximately 6 inches in diameter). Do not stack on top of one another.

6.      In a heavy bottom pan, or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat, place tortilla round and cook till surface begins to brown in spots (Approximately 2 minutes per side). Flip and repeat on opposite side. Repeat with each shell. Cover with towel and set aside.

7.      In medium size saute pan, over medium-high heat, add 1 tsp. olive oil and allow to heat.
8.      Once oil is hot, add shrimp and cook until done.
9.      Once shrimp are cooked, drain liquid from pan and add 2 Tbl. TACO SEASONING mix and ¼ cup hot water. Mix and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

10.  In a small bowl, combine picante sauce and horseradish. Mix well.
11.  Divide filling into 8 tortilla shells. Top with Picante Horseradish Mix and any other toppings of your choice.
12.  Serve and ENJOY!!!

The more I think of these, the more it brings me back to my childhood. There is really nothing like a warm, fresh tortilla. I eat them with butter sometimes. I hope you enjoy your next TACO TUESDAY!!!!

Chef Tufaro

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


           Shrimp Scampi has lost its way over time. The preparations and variations of this dish have lost the identity of what it was meant to be originally; A simple dish, prepared with simple ingredients that complemented the flavor of the shrimp and left something to dip your bread in or twirl your linguine in. When you eliminate all this other junk, you have a flavor that truly is one of a kind. I guarantee this is a dish anyone can make.
            This recipe is one dish that has been carried with me since I began cooking in restaurants at 13 years old. That being said, it comes with the scares I carry but it is to good not to continue preparing and presenting.
            I think the funniest complement I ever received from this dish was by a professional basketball player (do not ask, I will not tell you) who brought the plate into the kitchen to thank me cleaner then I think it was before I served it. I asked, “So, you liked it?” To which he replied, “Liked it? I licked the plate clean!” I found out a few minutes later that he was not kidding, the server informed me he was at his table licking the plate. And with that being said, I offer to you… SHRIMP SCAMPI

1 lb. 26/30 or 41/50 Shrimp (Peeled, Deveined, Tail-Off)
2 Sticks Salted Butter (cut into 4 pieces)
½ cup Chopped Garlic
1/8 cup Olive Oil
¼ cup Dry White Wine (Yes, you can drink the rest!!)
¼ Tbl Cracked Black Pepper
1 Lemon (cut for squeezing)
1/8 cup Chopped Parsley
½ lb. Uncooked Linguine (You can make fresh or use boxed. Fresh Recipe at:       https://cheftufaroanonymous.blogspot.com/2019/06/fresh-egg-noodle-pasta.html)

1.      In a medium saucepan, bring enough water to cover pasta to a boil.
2.      Cook Linguine to instructions provided by pasta source. Aim for a noodle that is not mushy but cooked.
3.      Drain pasta from water and set aside.
4.      In a medium saute pan, over medium-high heat, place olive oil till hot.
5.      Add shrimp and garlic to pan. Toss occasionally to insure even cooking of shrimp.
6.      When shrimp is almost cooked through, add white wine, butter, and pepper. Squeeze lemon juice into mixture and turn heat to medium and all to simmer while butter melts and shrimp finish. As simmering, a little reduction will occur. This is normal, but sauce will not thicken.
7.      Once butter is melted completely, remove from heat.
8.      Divide pasta into 4 portions and place on plates.
9.      Remove shrimp from sauce and divide among plates putting shrimp onto pasta allowing them to fall where they want.
10.  Using a spoon, drizzle sauce over pasta and shrimp on plate. As you can see by the pictures provided, the sauce will run over the pasta and the plate. Be liberal with the sauce, you want it to be messy.
11.  Sprinkle each dish with parsley and serve.
12.   ENJOY!!

I always enjoy sharing the recipes of meals I did not intend initially due to popular demand. It warms my heart that my experiences (both good and bad) can bring only joy to this world. Food should do nothing but unify us. Food is universal. It sees nothing but nourishing those that choose to enjoy it. Maybe someday we will all learn from food…

Chef Tufaro